I moved into Allergro on December 29th,I've got to say if it wasn't for Bethany the leasing agent I would have gone elsewhere,She was a Temp when I came looking and. The guy Rashad was HORRIABLE! Bethany stepped in and made my experience GREAT! Also I want to also say Thank you to the Manager Ms,Carlson,She took the time to sit with me and make sure my concerns and Apartment I picked out was ready by the date I requested,Both Bethany and Nikki Carlson made my Exsperience great! Kudos also to Junior in Maintence,He remembered me when I lived in 1001 with my Mother,He made sure my New unit I have now was ready on time to call Allegro home once again!
This New Management is cleaning this place up what a Team they have here now!!!
Way to go Allergro!!!!